We have the confirmed list of who will be pouring at our 3rd Annual Summer Cider Day in Port Townsend.
Who is pouring:
1. Alpenfire, WA – AlpenfireCider.com
2. Bull Run, OR – BullRunCider.com
3. Carlton Cyderworks, OR – CarltonCyderworks.com
4. Dragon’s Head, WA – DragonsHeadCider.com
5. E.Z. Orchards, OR – EZOrchards.com
6. Eaglemount, WA – EaglemountWinery.com
7. Finnriver Farm & Cidery, WA – Finnriver.com
8. Montana Cider Works, MT – MontanaCider.com
9. Reverand Nat’s, OR – ReverendNatsHardCider.com
10. Schilling Cider, WA – SchillingCider.com
11. Sea Cider, B.C. – SeaCider.ca
12. Sixknot, WA –
13. Snowdrift, WA – SnowdriftCider.com
14. Square Mile, OR – SquareMileCider.com
15. Tieton Cider Works, WA – TietonCiderWorks.com
16. Wandering Aengus, OR – WanderingAengus.com
17. Whitewood Cider, WA – WhitewoodCider.com
Keep up with the Northwest Cider Association’s current membership by visiting our members page.