Northwest Cider Events

Do you have a cider event you would like added to our Cider Event Calendar? Let us know today.

Western Cider’s Harvest Party and Apple Pressing Competition

Sunday, October 1
2:00 PM — 6:00 PM
Western Cider Co. 501 N. California Missoula, MT (map) Google CalendarICS

Western Cider’s HARVEST PARTY and 6 YEAR ANNIVERSARY will be a sweet time with FREE FOOD, team cider pressing competition, music, a special cider release, and general hootin’ and hollerin’!

2 – 6PM: FREE FRITO PIES (while l supplies last)

2-4PM: Music by The Timber Rattlers

4-6PM: CRANK – Apple Press Competition

Think you’ve got the gusto to be crowned Head Apple Wrangler? We will be using antique apple presses in a shoulder-to-shoulder battle to see who can press apples into juice the fastest.

FIRST PLACE: FREE cider for a year (one free cider per day for one year to each team member and a drinkable trophy)

SECOND PLACE: Merch and Cider

THIRD PLACE: Less Merch and Cider than Second Place

BEST TEAM UNIFORM: A mega-special prize for the best team uniform.

Bring your friends and make some wagers. Must be 21+ to enter. Sign up by 10AM on Oct 1st here

Made possible by the generous help of Missoula Urban Demonstration Project.


Strawberry Dolgo

